by Professor Michael C. Geokas
Like a thunderclap out of the blue came the announcement of the United States for a baseless recognition of
F.Y.R.O.M. as "the Republic
of Macedonia." This
is plagiarism of the name of the famous Greek province of Macedonia,
which has indisputable basis in the history of Hellenism. The US action has created pandemonium in Greece and
correctly was considered to be both arbitrary and unacceptable, despite
protestations to the contrary by our officials. Some people were suspicious
that this move was the beginning of unpleasant decisions on other Greek
national issues. We wish to state clearly and unequivocally on behalf of all
Greek-Americans, that we are furious, because we do know where this escapade is
coming from. For us this adverse decision constitutes only the spark for an
abrupt wake up and mobilization, the trumpeting for getting organized within
our community, which was rudely awaken and insulted by the duplicity of the Scorpians,
whose capacity for intrigue, as well as their
ingratitude, are enormous. However, they are both compatible with their
culture. It is their culture, which is responsible for the purposeful arrest of
a group of innocent illegal immigrants, not long ago, who were subsequently
executed in cold blood, falsely labeled as terrorists, with the intent of
creating an impression, of antiterrorist dexterity and efficiency. An objective
analysis of the Skopian machinations from the Greek-American vista point will
be extremely useful regarding all Greek national issues.
are the causes for the sudden cold shower experienced by the Greeks on the
issue of F.Y.R.O.M., which must have been on the conspiratorial agenda of the
Skopians for at least two years? Why did Greek diplomacy fail? What should be
done for correcting the blunder and avoiding backstabbing on other National
Issues? Some of the causes are the following:
- The one-dimensional,
and completely Euro-centric Greek Foreign policy.
2. The long-term neglect of
the issue since 1995, when the interim agreement was signed accepting the
temporary name of F.Y.R.O.M. The previous Government failed to work intensely
towards a final solution, at the time that several nations were recognizing F.Y.R.O.M.
as Macedonia, well before
recognition by the United
- The lack of correlation
between the matter of F.Y.R.O.M. and the persistent Turkish antagonism in
many issues (Cyprus,
Aegean, obsessive violations of airspace and the triple involvement of Turkey in Albania, F.Y.R.O.M., and
Kosovo. The obvious Turkish strategy has been the application of bilateral
“vice-like” pressure on Greece.
Additionally, the web page of the Turkish Foreign Ministry has adopted
verbatim the Skopian anti-Hellenic propaganda.
4. The unsuspecting frame of
mind of the Greeks, for the possibility that the F.Y.R.O.M.‑Turkey duo
will strive hard for American recognition (in view of the Turkish-Israeli
alliance of 1996 which has placed the powerful Lobby in US at Turkey’s corner),
with resultant defeat of Greek Diplomacy, which was in fact achieved
triumphantly by F.Y.R.O.M., and without Turkish fingerprints to boot.
- Another serious error
was the indifference shown by the previous Greek Government concerning the
dynamic of Omogenia, especially that of its Intelligentsia, with hundreds
of University Professors (80% of them born in Greece), Researchers,
Executives and a multitude of Phil Hellenes, who in conjunction with
certain organizations and distinguished personalities, constitute in-toto
an effective counterforce to the existing strong support for Turkey in the
US.This was an error made by the distant former
prime minister and it is quite understandable to Greek-Americans, who live
and thrive within this scientific superpower, with its 4,400 Universities,
which we call America. To those who might disagree we say the following:
The former leader never made a tour in United States, to speak at cities
outside New York, to large audiences of Greek-Americans, explaining the
National issues such as that of F.Y.R.O.M., Aegean, airspace violations
(amounting to a cost of $1,3 Billion, from 1998
to 26 of May 2003 alone), Cyprus and other, in order to generate the
strong interest and support of all Greek-Americans. No Greek potentate of
the previous government for the eight years in power, and subsequently no
member of the present government as well, has
ever come to request support for the national issues from the army of
intellectuals within Omogenia. Thus, the
Brain-Power of Greek-American intellectuals (in contrast to
Jewish-American intellectuals who frequently shuttle between the US and Israel) has remained
completely unutilized, right here in the superpower, where key decisions
are made. On the other hand, Turkey, with her small group of
intellectuals in US, is using them extensively and with care. Most
importantly however, Turkey
has aquired the strong support of the Jewish-American establishment,
including its intellectuals, which are considered to be both powerful and
- The extreme form of
largely justified Anti-Americanism in Greece, which has done
considerable damage, nevertheless. The empty seats at the Olympic venues
were very suggestive, despite the fact that there was no discussion about
their meaning, in keeping with our culture with its tendency to push the
problems under the rug. The frequent demonstrations in front of the
American Embassy have done a lot of damage as well. One can only imagine
the justified negative reports to Washington
by the American ambassador. The petty insult to the Ambassador when he
intended to plant a tree, made a very bad impression within Omogenia. However, the zenith of all insults was that
against the Secretary of State Mr. Colin Powell, and the disgusting poster
on the Acropolis Rock, which was probably seen by half of humanity.
- Most of the Greek Media
have done great harm to national issues and certain Newspapers continue to
apply strict censorship on articles coming from the United States.
The Anti-Americanism of newspaper writers of the left, with their fiery
articles against America
and the Greek-Americans, is deadly. The publications in the IOS supplement
of Eleftherotypia are outrageous by any measure. The title of a vulgar
article on 4/7/2004 was as follows: “Greek-Americans, Murderers of
populations, Born on the 4th of July.”
However, the audacity of members of that group goes beyond description
when they wonder why only the Pan Macedonian Association of America
responded to them. This group is dreaming. Thousands within Omogenia read
their ravings, which simply demonstrate the sorry state of a section of
the Greek press.
Skopians, educated in communist propaganda played their game well towards the
name recognition by America.
During the war for Kosovo they received the American Army and the US send them
financial aid and as ambassador, Mr. Lawrence E. Butler who was very helpful to
them. The Skopians joined the list of the coalition of the willing, for Afghanistan and Iraq
to earn the gratitude of America,
and they did. The Greeks did not enter the list due to the Olympic games and the prevailing Anti-Americanism, promulgated by
the left and other parts of the political spectrum. However, be that as it may,
when a small nation loaded with problems succeeded on plagiarizing the name “Macedonia,” it
constitutes proof of failure for Greek diplomacy and loss of American support
on the issue. Finally, the lever for Skopian success was Marc Grossman, former
Ambassador to Turkey
(1994-1997). He toured Kosovo and F.Y.R.O.M. in October 2004 and referred to
her, as “Republic
of Macedonia.”
The Skopians have now gone wild in America, with vituperative E-Mails
against the Pan Macedonian Association. One of them called the Greek-Americans
“Retards,” and the Internet is replete with propaganda against Greece.
First, the Greeks should state clearly that the name “Republic of Macedonia” is unacceptable, and they
should block the entry of F.Y.R.O.M. in the EU, and NATO. They should withdraw
quickly all investments, the oil refinery and other business from Skopia. The notions about, the Greeks keeping their cool
and their rational behavior are a bunch of non-sense and will set a terribly
dangerous precedent. The celebrations in Skopia constitute the ultimate insult
against Greece
and the Diaspora and are a measure of success of aggressive Turkish politics in
the Balkans. America
respects power and looks at weak nations with indifference and contempt. Greece has serious issues in dispute with Turkey and
retreat on the issue of F.Y.R.O.M. will be a serious error. Already Mr. Marc
Grossman has told Archbishop Dimitrios that the protests of the Greeks on the
issue were mild. The canceling of the popular demonstration in Thessaloniki was a
strategic error, because it excluded the expression of strong public
intensive work at the Security Council and the EU, insisting that the name of
F.Y.R.O.M. will be determined only with bilateral negotiations.
Third, strong efforts by the Government, and the Opposition,
the Church and NGO’s and others, for drastic reduction of Anti-Americanism
which is harming Greece,
because it plays into the hands of her adversaries. The Government has to stop
following the path of business as usual. Moreover, the recent demonstration in
front of the American Embassy on the 17th of November was a big
mistake. The despised Junta has disappeared for ever (as smoke disappears, from
the face of fire), and besides, that was a freakish and crazy event of the cold
war, when the two opposing superpowers were ready to burn the planet with
nuclear arms. The fight between the United States
and the Soviet Union, was to the death, and produced inappropriate events
everywhere, not only in Greece.
Fourth, the Government should make a science out of
developing the relations between Greece and Omogenia, especially
with its Intelligentsia, the Executives, the Business people, the Organizations
and certain individuals who have powerful contacts. The SAE is not a Think‑Tank,
with available Brain-Power, for scientific analysis of issues and persuasive
presentations to Congress, the State Department and White House. Its
sympathetic present leaders are not called upon by CNC, CNMBC, and FOX NEWS to
support eloquently and persuasively the vital issues of Hellenism. That is an
appropriate task for, Greek-American and Phil-Hellene University Professors and
other distinguished individuals to pursue.
one-dimensional political orientation of Greece,
to the EU should be modified to include brisk activity in the US as well. The Prime Minister
should soon undertake a ten-day tour in United States, with lectures to big
audiences of Omogenia, discussing issues of concern to Hellenism and asking for
their support. Such an undertaking is compatible with the rights of Omogenia, because ethnic politics have now been legitimized
and even encouraged by successive administrations and constitute a strong
determinant of US
foreign policy. The results of such a ten-day tour will be extremely salutary
because Greece of today
needs the active interface and strong connection to its Omogenia,
with the same urgency, as Sahara desert needs
the rain.
success of the Skopians is due cumulatively to their communist methodology, the
single‑dimentional political orientation of the
Greeks and to support from Turkey,
which has been amplified in US, because of the Turkish-Israeli alliance.
Additionally, the combination of Turkish pressure between the Aegean and the
crossbow of Albania--F.Y.R.O.M.,
with Greek Anti-Americanism, plus the inertia of Omogenia (which was placed
into a cast for eight years), has all been very harmful to Greece. The
Greek leadership should take decisive countermeasures, with ironclad
determination in negotiating a definitive name for F.Y.R.O.M., in order to
avoid further setbacks on other national issues.
the brisk resurgence of relations between Greece and Omogenia and a solid
pathway of communication constitute issues of utmost necessity and top priority
for the Greeks. Our Think‑Tank could contribute on enhancing alertness
within Omogenia and on planning for a tour by the Prime Minister in the United States.
This is the hour and this is the moment for a permanent boost of standing of
the Republic of Greece
within the corridors of power in America. I shall repeat here the
famous message: ”You ingenious people, for how much
longer would you continue to retreat?” (The stentorian cry preceding the
victorious counterattack, during the Salamis Naval battle, 480 BC).
17, 2005
Michael C. Geokas, M.D., M.Sc.,
Ph.D. Published: Hellenic News of America(Phili).
(Em)Professor of Medicine/Biological BHMA (Montreal),
Neos Kosmos (Melbourne)
School of Medicine The National
Herald (NY) February 12-13,2005
devoted to issues of Hellenism.